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Make your Photos look PROFESSIONAL

Post-processing is such an important step in taking your photographs to the next level. From my personal experience, even the most beautiful in-camera shot will benefit from a little bit of tweaking in Lightroom or Photoshop. This is why, I encourage everybody to at least learn the basics of editing. Some people consider editing a dirty word; it's associated with over styles that push the editing to the extremes. Of course, which style you prefer is very subjective - but it's important to understand that you can maintain realism in your photos while still editing them to enhance them.

In the video above, I show you how you can very quickly enhance your photos to look a bit more professional using either Lightroom or Photoshop! This will work on jpg files, but I always suggest shooting in RAW format - all editing works best on RAW files!

I hope you find this two minute tutorial helpful!

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